Klonoa has just been confirmed for a US release with additional controls schemes including motion controls via Wiimote Nunchuk, sideways Wii Remote, GameCube, and Classic Controller.
Capcom’s doing their best and really pushing themselves to try and get Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Generation of Heroes over. I’ve played TvC and it’s a definitely a must for hardcore fans of the Capcom fighting series.
It may not be Marvel vs Capcom, but you do get to use some interesting characters. Like Casshern for example, which is my main right now, and for the first time he gets put in to a video game - and a fighting genre at that! \

Tiki Towers™
1 -2 players
Rated E for Everyone-Comic Mischief
500 Wii Points
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiki_Towers
Youtube link
Fun! Fun! Minigolf
Shin’en Multimedia
1-4 players
Rated E for Everyone
900 Wii Points
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fun!_Fun!_Minigolf
Virtual Console
Phantasy Star™ IV
1 player
Rated E for Everyone-Fantasy Violence, Mild Sexual Themes
800 Wii Points
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantasy_Star_IV
Youtube link
Happy Holidays and a happy new year everyone! \

// Roth