Tuesday, September 23, 2008

• Mega Man Month!

Time to celebrate on the release of the new entry of the main numeric Mega Man series.
I've manage to get it downloaded about an hour after release (1PM-ish EST) after I got back from a local art celebration.
To show my Mega pride, I've included a snapshot of my Mega Man T-shirt and Mega Man 9 OST below.

Image Image

Mega Man™ 9 (CAPCOM, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone-Mild Cartoon Violence, 1,000 Wii Points): Mega Man fans, the wait is over! The classic Blue Bomber that debuted in 1987 is back with the ninth installment in the classic series. It's a new adventure for Mega Man done in an 8-bit style-graphics, music and gameplay are all like you remember them.

Mega Man 9 is developed by Inti Creates, a team made up of former Capcom devs that brought us the first three Mega Man X games, Mega Man Zero, and the Mega Man ZX series.

Mega Man 9 will also be available on PlayStation Network later on Wednesday September 25th and Xbox Live Arcade on October 1st next week.

Official Japanese Website: http://www.capcom.co.jp/rockman/
IGN: http://wii.ign.com/articles/884/884605p1.html
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man_9
Mega Man 9 Opening Intro on YouTube:
Direct Link

And here's my Mega Man T-shirt:
click to view gallery

I also have my Mega Man 9 Original Soundtrack CD:

click to view gallery

Next, I'd like to get a hold of that E-can to add my collection of energy drinks.
These things are pretty hard to find though.


And let's not forget about the..
Capcom's Mega Man 9 Retail Boxart Press Kit



When we came up with the concept of a "box art" for Mega Man 9, we thought it was kinda funny, since there would be no real retail box for a dowloadable title. The premise of our marketing concept for the game was to promote this title like it was 1987, complete with cheesy art and game descriptions (read the back of the box) that had little to do with the actual game.

We then started to think, well why not? Why don't we recreate an old NES package complete with a real NES cartridge? So, here it is. What do you think?

Unfortunately, we weren't able to put the full game on these cartridges (the licensing and legal issues were a headache and not worth the trouble), but I agree, it would've been cool. Instead, these carts contain a small CD with artwork, game information and screenshots.

Anyway, we're sending these bad boys out this week to our friends from the press. Don't worry, we're thinking about offering a very limited quantity (200) on the Capcom Store, probably with a PSN or XBLA game voucher. Comment below if you're interested.

(Oh yeah, the MM9 shirts are here as well. Darin from the Capcom Store will blog about it once he's ready to make them available. He's just getting back from Indy, but go bug him anyway!)

-John Diamonon


Have a wonderful MA-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-MEGA MAN MONTH~! \:D/

// Roth

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