Groovin’ Blocks (Empty Clip Studios, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): A music-based game like no other, Groovin’ Blocks adds innovative musical game play to an addictive action/puzzle game foundation. Play to the rhythm of the music to increase your score, and try to hit “Superbeats” to double your multiplier. Go for the high score in each of the 27 stages as you collect stars to unlock 15 levels of power-ups. Groovin’ Blocks features three skill levels, from the accessible Casual to the fiendish Hard mode. Play with your friends in co-op mode or against them head-to-head. Head-to-head brings it up a notch as the power-ups now become attacks on your opponent. Play head-to-head with people of all skill levels using a golf-style handicapping system.
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groovin%27_Blocks
Official Website: http://www.emptyclipstudios.com/games/groovin-blocks/
IGN: http://wii.ign.com/objects/142/14279029.html
Direct Link
Virtual Console

Final Solider
1 player
Rated E for Everyone—Mild Fantasy Violence
700 Wii Points
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Soldier

Cho Aniki
TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM
1 player
Rated E10+ for Everyone and Older—Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Suggestive Themes
900 Wii Points
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cho_Aniki
NHL 2K9 Official Website; IGN; Wiki
Cabelas Legendary Adventures IGN
Hell's Kitchen IGN
Outdoor Challenge: Active Life (aka Family Trainer in Japan) Official Japanese Website; IGN; Wiki; WiiFolder's Video Tour
The Price Is Right IGN
Twin Strike Operation Thunder IGN
Nintendo DS
Viva Pinata Pocket Paradise Official Website; IGN; Wiki
Air Traffic Chaos IGN
Bratz Ponyz 2 (with Tiara gift and stickers with purchase) IGN
Hell's Kitchen IGN
Mystery Case Files: Millionheir Official Website; IGN; Wiki
The Price Is Right IGN
Rain Drops IGN
Special Reprintings of previously Hard-to-find titles now $19.99 at BestBuy:
ClubHouse Games Official Nintendo Page; IGN; Wiki
Hotel Dusk Room 215 Official Website; IGN; Wiki

In some venues, silver is the color of second place. For Nintendo DS™, silver is No. 1. Starting Sept. 7, Metallic Silver joins the Nintendo DS color palette. The new Metallic Silver version makes a nice addition to any tech collection, whether you’re a gadget hipster or fashionista. Watch for the Metallic Silver DS to be featured in the new upcoming Nintendo DS print ad featuring actress Liv Tyler.
Nintendo Press
Yes, also known as Glossy Silver DS Lite in other regions.
I’ve been waiting for this particular item since DS Lite launch.
After its first appearance in Japan, then later in Europe, I knew it’s heading our way.
It’s finally within my grasp. I sure wish it'd be bundled with Pokemon Platinum. \:D/

According to Famitsu, Nintendo of Japan just announced their Wi-Fi Router today for their region.
Pretty much a stand-alone router/bridge with AOSS support for the simpler people who may have computers at home but no router for internet access.
It'll be compatible with Wii, Nintendo DS, PC, or any other Wi-Fi or LAN enabled device. Looks like the product will be staying in Japan; no plans on it coming to Europe or America at any time. It's arriving September 18 for 5,800 yen.
Official Japanese Nintendo Page: http://wifi.nintendo.co.jp/wap/
According to Nintendo's presentation at the GameStop manager's conference in Las Vegas, Animal Crossing: City Folk and its Wii Speak will be bundled together for $69.99 when it ships this November.
"The Wii Speak microphone is sold separately at an MSRP of $29.99 and allows Internet voice chat among Wii Friends – not just from person to person but from room to room. - Nintendo Press"
Fragile [Wii] trailer 2:
official Japanese website: http://fragile.namco-ch.net/
Wii Music [Wii] instruments demonstrations
electric guitar: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39540.html
folk guitar: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39294.html
piano: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39420.html
harp: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39450.html
violin: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39422.html
marimba: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39295.html
accordion: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39693.html
taiko: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39692.html
clarinet: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39676.html
congo: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39595.html
flute: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39412.html
snare drum: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/39411.html
official Nintendo page: http://e3.nintendo.com/wii/wiimusic/index.html
Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop [Wii] Capcom interview:
official website: http://www.capcom.co.jp/deadrising_wii/index_en.html
Rune Factory Frontier [NDS] more screenshots and artwork:
official Japanese website: http://www.mmv.co.jp/special/game/wii/runefactory/
Ragnarok Online DS [NDS] more screenshots and artwork:
official Japanese website: http://www.gunghoworks.jp/game/RODS/
Metal Slug 7 [NDS] official website open, will include free soundtrack download soon:
Gradius Rebirth [WiiWare] official website:
Out now on WiiWare Japan!
Gauntlet DS [NDS] first screenshots, official site:
Unsolved Crimes [NDS] screenshots:
Lock's Quest [NDS] game overview trailer:
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia [NDS] a few new screenshots:
images @ IGN: http://media.ds.ign.com/media/958/958543/imgs_1.html
Disgaea DS [NDS] 'Prinny' trailer:
Bleach: Versus Crusade [NDS] official Japanese site open including first footage:
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood [NDS] 'The Vision' trailer:
Chrono Trigger [NDS] gameplay videos:
Chrono: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/21358
Lucca: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/21359
Marle: http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/21360
Naruto: Clash of the Ninjas Revolution 2 [Wii] "Face Off" trailer:
Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party [Wii] 'Big Brother' trailer HD:
Samba de Amigo [Wii] 'Man v Monkey' trailer:
Tomb Raider Underworld [Wii] 'BTS: Story' video HD:
Disney Th!nk Fast [Wii] screenshots:
Harvest Moon: Animal March [Wii] screenshots:
Disaster: Day of Crisis [Wii] lots of screenshots and artwork:
Japanese boxart: http://gamekyo.com/images0_4_28953.html
wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disaster_day_of_crisis
Wario Land: Shake It! [Wii] official North American website now open!:
There's this one "Art game" called Aether that I was playing for a few minutes.
It looks like the developer, Armor Games, may be bring it to WiiWare as well as PC.
The game is based on gravity and force physics, and has got a neat artistic visual style to it much similar to Pixel Junkies' Eden.
I've managed to launch my creature/pet straight, and it's been flying nonstop in to space.
Here's a video of it: Direct Link
You can try out the game yourself at the official page:
// Roth
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